Thursday, July 12, 2018

German 1 - 2018-2019

I need to structure my classes so that my workload is one that balances instruction with feedback with German work that is more pleasurable to read. Students will each week on Monday, submit a typewritten theme, cohesively written, that incorporates the learned and tested ideas from the previous week. Students are required to maintain an electronic portfolio and constant refinement of their work, which is to be submkitted to me computer-printed, ultimately at 14 point font, double-spaced, with name and title and date. There needs to be a specfic format for these typewritten themes, and also an expectation of word count.

Options for these thematic projects that provide the constant stream of artifacts must be outlined, for variety:

short smartphone-inspired movies/slideshows
a simple written google-doc with a creative-piece of writing
audio recording/youtube-style
comic strip